Day 4
Perinium and Butt Care
Note: Video is backwards. 2019 – Your must NOW CLEAN SIDES FIRST /// CENTER LAST!
Perineal care is an integral part of nursing. It is one of the most important interventions when it comes to caring for a patient. Perineal care is for both the prevention and treatment of skin breakdown (decubitus ulcers) in those who are dependent. It is highly important that this area receives adequate skin care as it affects the overall skin status of a patient which impacts his/her ability to recover from illness or injury.
Perinium Care - Female
Perineal care is a routine activity for any CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) or Nursing student. Knowing the correct way to care for this area of the body can put a patient at ease and prevent infection.
The CNA is asked to provide perineal care to a resident who is incontinent of urine. The resident is lying in bed on an underpad and is wearing a hospital-style gown that is dry. A mannequin is used for the role of the resident.
MANDATORY: After opening, YOU MUST FIRST – CHANGE / REPLACE the BED PAD as it is soiled… BEFORE you start cleaning. Then change again AFTER you are done to leave patient DRY and CLEAN
Perineal Care
Butt Care
Equipment needed:
Bed bath blanket
2 bed mats (1 at beginning / 1 after cleaned)
2 towels
4 wash cloths
Wash basin (2 Water Temp Checks)
2 sets of gloves
1) Opening procedure – Gloves are required
2) Fill the Wash Basin half way with warm water – 2 water temp checks – you check then patient)
3) Cover resident with bed bath blanket and move top sheet to the foot of the bed.
4) Gently roll the resident on their side and place a bed mat under the perinea area.
5) Roll resident back to supine position and expose only perinea area.
Wash the perinea area with soap and water moving from front to back while using a clean area of the wash cloth or a clean washcloth for each swipe (first swipe each side first and then down center last – one side at a time – CHANGE the Wash Cloth to a new area each time. (Wash / Rinse same way and then Blot Dry.)
6) Rinse and Blot Dry in the same pattern used when washing.
7) You will say to the nurse you would Change the water if it is cold or dirty.
8) Roll resident on their side and begin washing the butt with soap and water. One Swipe from the bottom of the crease in the butt, to the top of the butt. Then clean the right and left cheek of the butt.
9) Clean, Rinse and Blot Dry the butt from bottom to top working toward the back.
10) Remove soiled bed mat by rolling the wet side in and keeping the dry side out. Then replace the bed mat.
11) Change your gloves.
12) Bring the top flat sheet back up to cover the resident and remove the bed bath blanket.
13) Closing Procedures
NOTE: 2019 : Wash the perinea area with soap and water moving from top/front to bottom/back while using a clean area of the wash cloth or a clean washcloth for each swipe 1. First clean the groin area and the folds on same side with same wash cloth. 2. Change SIDES and do same on opposite side.– 3. CHANGE the Wash Cloth to a new area each time. (Wash / Rinse same way and then Blot Dry.) Lastly top to bottom CENTER area, with different side of wash cloth.
NOTE: The nursing dolls do NOT have a lot of room that distinguish it… but it will be in the CREASES where the dolls legs come together.