Day 3
A wheelchair is a specialized chair of usual construction, used to facilitate movement for people with various disabilities. They are primarily used by people who need mobility assistance due to disability or injury. Wheelchairs come in many sizes (both large and small), folding and non-folding, open and closed. Besides the basic chair there is also a wide variety of aids and accessories available for personal comfort and convenience.
Wheelchair Transfer
The wheelchair transfer is an essential skill when working with people who use wheelchairs. It is a transfer that requires the caregiver to lift the person from their wheelchair, and then place them into another chair such as a shower chair. Throughout this article, I will provide several steps that may be helpful when practicing this skill.
MUST Place the Transfer belt on the WAIST locking at the center of the body – NOT HIGH ON Mid-Dift.
You must align wheel chair beside bed out a little before your start.
No Gloves – Gait Belt
NOTE: Bath Blanket Not Required for Test
Find the shoes – Place close to bed work area.
Opening Procedures
Lift / Spin / Sitting on side of bed
Hands on Side to Balance
ASK: Do You Feel Dizzy?
Put shoes on
Lower the bed.
Position WC Close to BED
Explain what a Transfer Belt is.
Place Transfer Gait Belt On
Buckle on front center
Explain “We will Stand -“Pivot AND SIT” On Count of 3 we will stand.
Bring their legs together
Place your feet on the outer side of their feet
Have patient place their arms on your shoulder
You place your hands on the Transfer/Gait Belt
Thumbs inside belt.
On Count of 3 we will rock 3 times and stand.
–Check Point: Arms on arm rest,
–Check Point: Foot on foot rest,
–Check Point: Ask them to sit up straight in chair.
MUST Place the Transfer belt on the WAIST locking at the center of the body – NOT HIGH ON Mid-Dift.
You must align wheel chair beside bed out a little before your start.
No Gloves – Gait Belt
NOTE: Blanket over legs NOT required for State Test.
Closing Procedure……