Day 1
Medical books offer several ways to check your pulse, but what are the fastest ways? I know you’re wondering which of these methods are the quickest, because who has time to be fumbling with their shirt or counting for one long minute. So here is a list of the fastest ways to record your heart pulse rate.
The CNA is asked to take the resident’s radial pulse, measured at the wrist. The pulse should be counted for one full minute. A Measurement Form (sample provided on the website) is provided to record the resident’s pulse rate. The role of the resident is played by a person.
You will do the COUNTING PART TWICE – You must support the arm. Either over chest on support arm on bed as you take pulse.
Normal Adult resting heart rate is between 60 and 100 – AHA
Children 6 to 15, the normal rate is between 70 and 100 AHA

When you find the pulse, you must place arm on patients chest when you first start.
You must COUNT the Pulse for 1 FULL Minute Pulse
YOU MUST RECORD AT END OF SKILL – Be sure to put the number 1 above the word minute.
Pulse One Skill / Respiration One Skill
1st RN you will count Pulse then record NEXT:
2nd RN you will count Pulse then record the results.
Take Pulse for 1 full minute (60 seconds) – Then Record / DO NOT USE
No equipment needed (No gloves)
1) Opening procedure – No Glove
2) Ask Patient to scoot back sit up straight if in Chair
3) Ask Patient to un-cross leg’s if in bed.
4) Place fingertips on thumb side of resident’s wrist to locate the pulse. DO NOT USE YOUR THUMB, use index finger plus one or two next to it.
5) After you find the pulse, place the resident’s arm over their chest and begin counting for 60 seconds / 1 Minute.
6) 1st RN – Record on Paper / Return to Chair
7) Count again with 2nd RN – Will Watch – Then Record
8) Closing Procedure